ESG Initiatives Governance
SAN-AI OBBLI will strengthen risk management and business continuity plans while ensuring the appropriateness of operations, and conduct compliance management that strives for efficiency and transparency.
- Proper maintenance of business
- Strengthen risk management and business continuity plans
- Establishment of corporate ethics and compliance
Formulation of basic policies of internal control
Based on the Companies Act and the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act, SAN-AI OBBLI has established nine items to ensure the appropriateness of operations.
- Organization to ensure that the execution of job duties by directors and employees complies with all applicable legislation and the articles of incorporation
- Matters concerning the preservation and management of information pertaining to the execution of duties by directors
- Regulations and other systems related to the management of risk of losses
- System to ensure that directors perform their duties efficiently
- System to ensure the appropriateness of operations in the corporate group consisting of us and our subsidiaries
- Matters concerning the system concerning the employee in the case where the auditor requests to have an employee to assist and the independence of the employee from the director and the effectiveness of instructions to the employee.
- Systems for directors and employees to report to corporate Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and systems for directors, corporate Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and employees of subsidiaries to report to corporate Audit & Supervisory Board Members of the parent company, and systems for ensuring that the person who made the report does not receive adverse treatment on the grounds of the report.
- Other systems to ensure the effective execution of audits by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and policies concerning the disposal of expenses incurred in the execution of duties by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members
- System to eliminate anti-social forces
Strengthen risk management and Business continuity plans

Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee manages the risks of our group in a cross-sectional manner, and acts with the aim of preventing risks and minimizing damage by responding promptly in the event of a crisis.
We are also working to respond to emergencies and raise awareness by overseeing company-wide Business Continuity Planning (BCP) training.
Establishment of corporate ethics and compliance
On June 8, the SAN-AI OBBLI Group has set an "Ethics Day" and has pledged to management that all executives and employees will conduct their daily work with integrity and ethics based on the Ethics Charter.
Compliance Committee
The Compliance Committee is committed to fostering a corporate culture with a strong awareness of compliance, preventing scandals, and providing compliance education based on the "Ethical Behavior Charter of the San-Obri Group."
We publish compliance news every month, conduct annual compliance awareness surveys and conduct compliance education tests, and strive to properly manage personal information.
Whistleblower and Consultation Desk
For the early detection and correction of violations of compliance, such as fraud, violations of laws and regulations, and harassment We have established a whistle-blowing and consultation service to strengthen compliance management.