Seven core subjects |
Issues |
Activity Results |
Organizational Governance |
Organizational Governance
- Board of Directors
- Board of Audit & Supervisory Board Members
- Internal Control Committee
- Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee
- Independent Outside Directors
- Corporate governance report
- Risk Management Committee
- Ethical pledge
- Sustainability committee
- Disclosure in accordance with TCFD recommendations
- Management Forum
- Sustainability form
Human rights |
Due diligence
Human rights risk situations
Avoidance of burden
Settlement of complaints
Discrimination and vulnerable groups
Civil and political rights
Economic, social and cultural rights
Fundamental principles and rights at work
- Ethics Charter
- Compliance Committee
- Whistleblower and Consultation Desk
- Diversity management
- Human rights education
- Education to prevent harassment
- Employment of people with disabilities
- Volunteering Leave System
- Promotion of human capital management
Labor practices |
Employment and employment relationships
working conditions and social protection
Social dialogue
Safety and Health in 13 Works
Human Resource Development and Training in the Workplace
- Correction of gender wage disparities
- Enhancement of the retirement reemployment system
- Management Forum
- Engagement survey
- Training programs
- Corporate-supported educational Program
- Pension life plan seminar
- Promotion of Health Management
- Health consultation by industrial physicians and health nurses
- Required re-examination of medical examinations
- Stress check
- Flexible work schedules such as telecommuting and staggered hours
- Enhancement of Childcare and Family Care Leave System
- Workplace Accident Risk assessment
- Safety and Health cooperate Association(San-ai Obblitech Co., Ltd.)
- Career Development Support System
Environment |
Prevention of pollution
Sustainable resource use
Mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate change
Protection of the environment, biodiversity, and restoration of natural habitats
- Hands-on environmental training at the SAN-AI OBBLI Forest
- Environment & Safety Audits
- Proper Management of Chemical Substances
- Manufacturing and sales of goods that do not fall under PRTR Law
- Control of wastewater from plants and SS
- VOC emission control by "ECO vent"
- Safe operation inspection of all petroleum dealers (twice a year)
- Receiving and refueling sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
- Streamlining delivery and meter reading operations through LPWA
- Reducing mileage through AI delivery
- Use of renewable diesel fuel
- Solar Power Generation in Unused Areas
- Use of rainwater (Air Transportation Division)
- Installation of Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems (Aircraft Division)
- Sales of biodegradable resins
- ISO14000 certification (Miai Oblitech, etc.)
- Energy conservation diagnosis
- Advanced utilization of natural gas
- Contribution to Wind Power Generation System
- Contribution to biogas power generation systems
- Sales of carbon neutral gas
- Joint research on the wind turbine next to the cylinder
- Sales of synthetic lubricants
- Research on solar panel coatings
- Reducing GHG Emissions through Joint Delivery
- Monitoring of GHG emissions and reduction targets
- Introduction of renewable power
- Replacing sales vehicles with hybrid vehicles
- Used de vaccination
- Response to CDP
- Life Partner Business (Gas Division)
- Concluding agreement for the Misato Decarbonization Vision
- Invested in WOTA Corp. (small-scale, decentralized water recycling systems)
- Signing of the collaborative river development partnership agreement in the Yoshino River basin
Fair operating practices |
Responsible political involvement
Fair competition
Promoting social responsibility in the value chain
Respect for property right
- Ethics Charter
- Rejection of Antisocial Forces
- Internal Audit
- Environment & Safety Audits
- Safe operation inspection of all petroleum dealers (twice a year)
- Safety dock for gas dealers and gas safety training
- Issuance of information magazines for dealers
- Donations to the Traffic Orphan's Society
- Compliance Committee
- Compliance education
- Compliance Awareness Survey
Consumer issues |
Fair marketing, factual and unbiased information, and fair contractual practices
Protecting consumers' health and safety
Sustainable consumption
Consumer service, support, and dispute resolution
Consumer data protection and privacy
Access to essential services
Education and awareness
- Ethics Charter
- Compliance Committee
- Implementation of voluntary audits for handling personal information
- Report on Personal Information (Quarterly)
- Customer Center Operations (Kygnus Oil)
- Issuance of distributors and consumer information magazines
- Quality Assurance Committee
- Issuance of chemical product SDS
- Training and Response to Natural Disasters
- Customer thanksgiving
- Contact lens recycling
- Stable procurement and supply of energy
Community involvement And community development |
Community involvement
education and culture
Job Creation and Skills Development
Technology Development and Access to Technology
Wealth and Income Generation
Social investments
- Environmental and social contribution committee
- Fuel supply agreements in the event of a large-scale disaster
(Tokyo Oil Terminal, KAFCO, SAS, Kignus Oil, Miai Obligus Banshu, etc.)
- Co-sponsorship of machizukuri oi
- Co-sponsorship of Ichimura Nature School in Kanto and Kyushu
- Participation in Local Clean-Up Activities
- Facilities tour (Air Juvenile Mission)
- Co-sponsorship of volleas hokkaido
- Donations to NPO/NGO related to the Share of Britain SDGs
- Co-sponsorship of the student formula japan competition
- Support for Kids Engineer
- Cooperation with the Kiyose City Welfare Council's Year-End Charity Project
- Shokuiku and fire education (three gods) in local communities
- Volunteers at facilities for the disabled (Air Transportation Division)
- Sponsorship of the kochi ryoma marathon
- Cooperation with Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture "Kochi Children's Fund"
- Vacant house monitoring service (Saga Gas)
- Regional Network Agreement (watching elderly people)
- Regional Curve Mirror Polishing
- Support for activities by the Thermal Balloon Department of Saga University
- Co-sponsoring the tokyo metropolitan museum of photography
- Wakuha Pine Farm, an employment program for people with disabilities
- Donation of vegetables to Children's cafeteria
- Soccer and volleyball classes "Oburi Cup" held
- Implementation of safe driving education
- Internship programs for graduate students
- JCCP International Petroleum and Gas Cooperative Term Training (Air)
- Donating to the Scholarship Foundation for Traffic Accident Orphans
- Volunteering Leave System