Important issue of sustainability

Under the Basic Sustainability Policy, the SAN-AI OBBLI Group organized the relationship between our business and social issues and identified material issues (materiality) related to sustainability. We will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by actively tackling these important issues while fulfilling our mission of providing a stable supply of energy.

Identified material issues

Process of identifying priority issues

1. To identify issues

Identify social issues by referring to GRI, TCFD recommendations, SDGs, ISO26000, etc.

2. Set priority

Establish priorities based on the two evaluation axes of stakeholders and our business

3. Materiality Identification

Four particularly important topics are validated by the Sustainability Committee and approved by the Board of Directors

Concept of Materiality Specification

1 Response to Climate Change Initiatives to realize a carbon-neutral society

As a company responsible for energy supply, SAN-AI OBBLI GROUP pursue the efficient use of resources and energy and work to reduce the environmental impact in order to preserve the global environment in a healthy state for our descendants.

SDGs targeting Company's initiatives

7. エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに

increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix

  • ・Shifting to new service stations
  • ・Support for electric vehicles, etc.
  • ・Development of hydrogen fuel infrastructure
  • ・Development of natural gas services
  • ・Sales of offset products such as green LPG
  • ・Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations
  • ・Reducing GHG emissions
  • ・Expanding sales of biodegradable plastics
  • ・Purified wastewater from car washers
  • ・Concluding agreement for the Misato Decarbonization Vision
  • ・Installing solar power generation systems

13. 気候変動に具体的な対策を

Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning

14. 海の豊かさを守ろう

Preventing all kinds of marine pollution

2 Stable Energy Supply Aspiring to be a partner that supports people’s daily lives and industries

By supplying energy safely and stably, we will contribute to the development of society as a partner that supports people's lives and industry. As a company that handles hazardous materials, we will strive to strengthen crisis management and business continuity plans.

SDGs targeting Company's initiatives

7. エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに

Ensuring universal access to affordable and reliable modern energy services

  • ・Strengthening procurement channels
  • ・Enhancement of emergency equipment at service stations
  • ・Safe operation of hazardous materials facilities and technology transfer
  • ・DX Promotion
  • ・Dialogue with local communities
    (Tours of social studies by local elementary school students)
  • ・Transfer of operations from dealers
    (Securing Energy Access in the Region)
  • ・Alternative use of petroleum depots
  • ・Disaster response at hazardous materials facilities
  • ・Implementing environmental safety audits
  • ・Constructing second oil storage base at Haneda Airport and securing aviation human resources

11. 住み続けられるまちづくりを

Holistic disaster risk management

17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

Encouraging and promoting effective partnerships based on diverse experiences and resource strategies

3 Diversity and Inclusion Securing and developing human resources

We will develop human resources, promote diversity, and engage in health and productivity management for the development of our group and the happiness for individuals. We also create innovation and new values through diverse values.

SDGs targeting Company's initiatives

5. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう

5.5 5.c
Ensuring women's effective participation at all levels of decision-making
Assurance of equal opportunities for leadership

  • ・Promotion of diversity
  • ・Response to the Law for Promotion of Women's Activity
  • ・Employment of Persons with Disabilities
  • ・Enhancement of a system to support balancing
  • ・Recommendations for Flexible Work Styles
  • ・Development of human resources and enhancement of training
  • ・Initiatives to improve engagement
  • ・Mutual admiration and visualization by Share Obbli
  • ・Promotion of Health Management
  • ・Promotion of human capital management

8. 働きがいも経済成長も

Human resource development to support innovation

3. すべての人に健康と福祉を

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages

4 Corporate Governance Gaining stakeholder trust by ensuring management efficiency and transparency

We will strive to improve the transparency of our management and ensure thorough compliance management.We will establish a highly effective corporate governance system and ensure the appropriateness of operations.

SDGs targeting Company's initiatives

12. つくる責任つかう責任

Reporting on corporate sustainability initiatives

  • ・Strengthening Governance through Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members
  • ・Ensure transparency in decision-making
  • ・Promoting compliance management
  • ・Periodic reports on sustainability initiatives
  • ・Disclosing “analysis of current situation to enhance corporate value” and “Medium-term Management Plan”
  • ・Information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations

17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

Strengthening of partnerships with stakeholders possessing expertise and knowledge